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Have you ever noticed the beauty of a fountain? It brings life, energy, and healing. It’s a source of strength, constantly overflowing with movement and vitality. People travel from all over the world to admire fountains, some of which are even considered natural wonders.
Now, imagine being a fountain in your everyday life—someone who inspires, uplifts, and empowers others. A fountain doesn’t just hold water; it overflows, sharing its abundance freely. In the same way, when you bring love, encouragement, and support to those around you, you become a source of positivity and strength.
Drains, on the Other Hand…
While fountains give, drains take. Drains serve a purpose, helping to remove waste and excess, but they don’t stop pulling in everything around them. Whether in a kitchen sink or a sewer system, a drain’s role is to take and carry away.
Some people act like drains in life. They constantly draw energy, attention, money, or emotional support from others—without giving anything back. Spending too much time around a drain can leave you feeling empty and exhausted.
Signs of a Drain Personality:
💔 Constant complaining without seeking solutions.
💔 Focusing on problems rather than possibilities.
💔 Expecting others to lift them up but rarely doing the same in return.
💔 Bringing negativity, criticism, or unnecessary drama.
💔 Always taking—without contributing anything in return.
We all encounter "drains" in life, and while we can support them to a degree, it’s important to set boundaries. Too much time with a drain can leave you emotionally depleted.
Are You a Fountain or a Drain?
The real question is: Are you pouring into others or only taking from them?
Being a fountain doesn’t mean you never have struggles. But it does mean you choose to overflow with encouragement, hope, and positivity—rather than constantly draining those around you.
So today, make the choice: Be a fountain. Spread life. Inspire and uplift. And if you notice a drain in your life, be kind, but don’t let them pull you under.
The world needs more fountains—will you be one?
Inspired by Beverly Narsi, co-produced by The Wellbeing Support.